Month: December 2023

  • Resisting The Machine

    Thoughts from: I Can’t Overstate How Dire This Is | Bret Weinstein

    I recently watched “Leave the World Behind“. It’s a message, a clear and terrifying message from our adversary. It’s a message about what happens when we resist they/them. When I refer to “they/them”, I’m not referring to the confused millennial non-binary they/them sorts. I’m talking about “The Machine”…. you know, one that “Rage Against the Machine” raged about before the band by that name was corrupted, consumed, and assimilated into the very machine they raged against. I’m talking about The Machine that has largely had a monopoly on influence and power for the last century or so. I’m supposing the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve is a good marker for that level of influence and power, and the global elite class that wields it.

    I internalized the message they wanted to deliver in the movie. They want people to duck and cover, to hide in the basement, with a cache of food, and a box set of “Friends” DVDs to keep our little minds occupied while the world tears itself apart. They want us out of the way, while their carefully choreographed chaos unravels the fabric of society.

    After watching the video below, I’m thinking THAT, would be taking their bait. THAT is playing into their hands. THAT is exactly what they want. Instead, in the video below, Bret Weinstein, an extremely brilliant man/scientist/educator advocates for forming coalitions. Getting people together to share ideas and combining the power of the multitudes who stand against The Machine. He suggests that Goliath (as Weinstein refers to The Machine), has lost the first onslaught in their war for power. He speculates that the heros, who have emerged through the first wave largely fit the description of lone wolves. The Machine is learning and leveling up. So we, “The Resistance”, need to learn and level up as well. Those lone wolves need a pack.

    With the first wave behind us, the confusion persists. Goliath is looking for a rematch. Some of they/them have been exposed. Presidents of the last decades are all on the list, mix in a bit of Jeffrey Epstein and Hunter Biden, and you have a hot bowl corruption soup. It seems, their exposure only reveals more questions than answers. These revelations now float on the surface, but this bowl runs deep.

    I listened to Weinstein’s Dark Horse Podcast throughout the COVID crisis. He and Dr Robert Malone were a bastion of common sense and inquisitive curiosity about the confusion that didn’t fit then. His insight earned my respect and trust. During the below interview, I can see he has a sort of existential alarm about him. He has left the rage behind, and gone to “war with the machine”. I will pray for him, as I will pray for us too.