Month: November 2023

  • Homeschool web app Work in progress.

    Lately I’m building a topics hierarchy. It could otherwise be called categories, or taxonomy, or whatever else, but for some reason, “topics” seems to fit the bill.

    This is a first run at the UI, basically I need it to add, edit, and remove a nested hierarchy of topics. Only admin users will see this, so it doesn’t have to be pretty, just functional.

    Each topic has a color, which I suppose should trickle down to it’s child topics. This way there will be some visual separation among the different lessons.

    Here I have some initial topics, generated by ChatGPT, these will certainly change. I may use KhanAcademy as a template. They have certainly put careful consideration into their taxonomy.

    Also, pay no attention to the branding. I’m still undecided between, “Homeschool Link (” or “”.

    I would love your opinon @